CUSAP is a nonprofit organization founded by 8 people, including Hamed Wardak, that works to promote peace and prosperity in Afghanistan. The Campaign for a US-Afghanistan Partnership has 9 main pillars that guide their work and their efforts. 3 of them will be discussed here.
1. A Commitment to Reduce the Drug Trade: Hamed Wardak and CUSAP want the Afghan government, in partnership with the U.S. to aggressively counteract the drug trade in Afghanistan.
2. Combat Corruption & Foster Good Governance: CUSAP believes that Afghanistan can’t stabilize without reducing corruption and that the U.S. should tie their aid programs and support to progress that Afghanistan makes in the area of corruption.
3. Embrace Traditional Islam to Counter al Qaeda: CUSAP and Hamed Wardak want the U.S. and Afghanistan to embrace moderate Islamic leaders who have shown an ability to combat Islamic extremists. When working with people in Afghanistan towards reconciliation, the U.S. and Afghanistan, according to CUSAP, should separate the traditional Afghan Muslims from radical Salafi-Taliban figures and should only negotiate with traditional Afghan Muslims.