Hamed Wardak, and the Campaign for a US-Afghanistan Partnership, have for many months been calling for a bilateral agreement between the U.S. and Afghanistan. In response to President Obama’s recent interview about Afghanistan on 60 Minutes, Hamed Wardak is reiterating his vision for the U.S.-Afghanistan future relations.
He believes that a U.S.-Afghanistan agreement is as much in the interest of the Afghan people, as the U.S.-Iraq agreement has been in the interest of the people of Iraq. As Mr. Wardak says, “A bilateral agreement would give the U.S. an effective tool with which to demand better results from Kabul. It would benefit the citizenship interests of the people of Afghanistan no less than the security interests of the American people.”
He encourages the idea of America investing in and strengthening the Afghan National Army so that the army can become an ally for the U.S. needs. He explains that many member of the Committee for U.S.-Afghanistan Partnership who have been educated in the West, would love to return home. They cannot do so, however, without America’s help.