Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hamed Wardak Weighs in on Obama Plans

In a recent interview on 60 Minutes, President Obama explained his plans for removing American troops from Afghanistan. He said that July 2011 is the target date for this removal. Hamed Wardak, the president of t he Campaign for a US-Afghanistan Partnership, feels that Obama did little to alleviate his fears for Afghanistan.

Certainly, Afghans, as Hamed Wardak explains, do not want to become wards of the United States. What they want, instead, is to rebuild their educational system, to cooperate with America in political and diplomatic areas, to build up their own defense and security forces, and to establish a rule of law. How are they to accomplish all of these lofty goals?

He explains that the United States could enter into a bilateral agreement similar to that that they have with Iraq. As Mr. Wardak explains, “A bilateral agreement would give the U.S. an effective tool with which to demand better results from Kabul. It would benefit the citizenship interests of the people of Afghanistan no less than the security interests of the American people.”

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hamed Wardak Promotes Peace in Afghanistan

In addition to promoting support for Afghanistan by the United States, CUSAP also believes the role of Pakistan is a crucial piece in the puzzle of achieving peace and security in Afghanistan. Hamed Wardak of CUSAP believe that Pakistan can and should play a more positive role in determining the future condition of Afghanistan.

CUSAP wants all three countries, Pakistan, the United States and Afghanistan to support, promote and encourage Afghan independence, security and prosperity, without repeating the mistakes of the recent past which helped bring Afghanistan to its current state of chaos and woe.

Now is the unique time, according to Hamed Wardak of the CUSAP, to take advantage of this opportunity to support new leadership which will work toward the path of sustainable security, peace and prosperity in Afghanistan, after many years without.